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October Enrollment Is Open!
Sign Up Now - Limited Seats 

Welcome to the Extended Enrichment Co-Op


​Welcome to a vibrant learning experience where each day unfolds

with a 4-hour adventure of discovery and creativity! 


Our dynamic program offers engaging lessons in math, science, language arts,

and art, all woven together through interactive games and activities.


Designed for curious young minds, this unique setting provides a stimulating environment where learning feels like play, and every moment is a chance to explore and grow.

We are dedicated to creating a vibrant and safe environment where children can excel through interactive and enjoyable activities, games and craft/projects. 


Our primary focus is on fostering teamwork and a genuine love for learning, without imposing any external agendas related to religious beliefs, or politics.


We ensure that our environment remains centered on the essentials of education and

personal growth, providing a secure and supportive space where every child can thrive and develop their full potential in a safe environment


Join us for a blend of education and fun that makes every day an exciting journey!




Weekly Breakdown: below is a sneak peak of how a 4 - hour class looks.



Week 1: Fun with math and art:

Students will learn through interactive math related games and hands on art/crafts and projects. 


Introduction:  Multiplication and Division Fun!

Quick review - explaining multiplication and division. Give examples and work through math problems together. 

Activity 1: Create and Play Your Own Math Board Game. Students will be creating their own board games that involve solving multiplication and division problems. 


Designing the Game Board: Students will draw and decorate their own game boards.

They can create paths, obstacles, and special spaces.

We will encourage them to be creative with their designs, making sure to include:

Starting and Finishing Points: Clearly marked.


Math Challenges: Spaces on the board where players will answer multiplication or division questions.


Decorative Elements: To make the game visually appealing and fun.


Game Cards:
Students will create index cards with multiplication and division problems. Each card should have one problem and its answer. They can also create cards with special instructions or actions, like

“Move forward 3 spaces” or “Go back 2 spaces.”


30 minute break - bathroom , snacks, lounge


Activity 2 : 

Game Rules and Playtesting

  1. Creating Rules:
    Each group writes down the rules for their game. Rules should include how to use the math problem cards, how to move around the board, and how to win the game.

  2. Playtesting:
    Groups exchange their games with other groups to test and play. Encourage students to follow the rules, solve the math problems, and provide feedback on the gameplay experience.


15 minute break

Reflection and Discussion 

  1. Game Feedback:
    After playing, we will have a group discussion. Ask students what they enjoyed about the games and what they found challenging. Discuss any improvements they might make to their games.

  2. Math Practice:
    Emphasizing how playing the games helped them practice multiplication and division in a fun way. Reflect on how combining art and math made learning more engaging.


Week 2:  Language Arts and Art fusion

 Introduction: Collaborative Storybook Creation


Students will work collaboratively to write and illustrate a storybook. They will use narrative skills, artistic expression, and teamwork to create a finished book that showcases their collective creativity.

  • Brainstorming Session:

    • Story Ideas: In groups, students brainstorm ideas for the story. Discussing possible themes, characters, settings, and plots.

    • Story Mapping: Students will work on outlining the beginning, middle, and end of the story. Encouragement to think about key events and character development.


    Story Template:

    We will provide a story template with sections for the beginning, middle, and end. Each group will use this template to organize their ideas.


15 minute break


Activity 1: Writing the Story 

  • Drafting:

    • Group Work: Students work in their groups to write the story based on their brainstormed ideas. Each student can contribute to different parts of the story, such as dialogue, descriptions, or plot events.

    • Role Assignment: Assign roles such as a scribe (who writes the story), a plot developer (who adds details), and a dialogue writer (who creates conversations between characters).

  • Review and Revise:

    Groups review their drafts, make revisions, and ensure that the story flows well from beginning to end. Encouraging them to read their story out loud to check for clarity and coherence.


30 minute Break - bathroom , snacks, lounge

Activity 2:  llustrating the Story - Planning Illustrations:

  • Divide the Story: Break the story into sections or chapters. Each group or student will illustrate a different part of the story.

  • Sketching: Have students sketch out their illustrations on separate pieces of paper or in their booklets.

  • Creating Art:

  • Drawing and Coloring: Students use colored markers, pencils, and crayons to create detailed illustrations for their assigned sections. Encourage them to be creative and add elements that enhance the narrative.

  • Assembling the Book:

  • Final Touches: Once illustrations are complete, students glue or tape their illustrations onto the corresponding pages of the booklets.

  • Cover Design: Design and decorate the book cover together. Include the title of the story and the names of the authors/illustrators.

  • Presentation and Reflection 

  • Book Presentation:

    • Sharing Stories: Each group presents their part of the story to the class, explaining their illustrations and how they contributed to the narrative.

    • Final Book Reveal: Share the completed book with the class

  • Reflection:

    • Group Discussion: Discuss the experience of creating the storybook. Asking students what they enjoyed most about the project, what challenges they faced, and what they learned.

    • Feedback: Provide positive feedback on their teamwork, creativity, and storytelling skills.

  • Celebration:

    • Display: We will create a version to share with parents afterwards so each student can have a copy of the book that they created.


Week 3 Science and art exploration

Class Overview: Color Theory 

Students will embark on a colorful journey, exploring the science behind colors through engaging experiments, artistic projects, and interactive discussions. By the end of the class, students will understand color mixing, the color spectrum, and how light influences color perception.

10 minute break

Activity 1: Creating The Color Wheel: Reviewing primary, complementary and analogous colors.

Each student will create their own color wheel using only the primary colors: starting with the 3 primary colors, we will explore how we can use those colors to create many more colors. 

Each student will be painting on a circular canvas for a high quailty product that will last a life time. 

30 minute break - bathroom , snacks, lounge


Activity 2: Light and color exploration with light refraction and density. 

Experiment 1:

Rainbow in a jar: students will explore through a fun experiment on how density effects light refraction. Using water, sugar and food coloring, the students will be making their own rainbow in a jar - the colored sugar water will create layers and demonstrate the density and light refraction. 

Experiment 2: Color Change With Filters -To demonstrate how colored filters can change the appearance of colors and reveal how our perception of color depends on the light that passes through it.

This experiment shows how colored filters can dramatically alter our perception of color based on the light passing through them. It highlights the relationship between light, color, and human perception in a fun and hands-on way!

Wrap up : Tie - dye  

Students will create a beautiful masterpiece by hand dying a large tea towel and implementing all of the color theory knowledge they learned about. They will be able to bring it home the day of also. 


Week 4: Artful Education

Class Overview: Exploring Art Through Textures And Patterns

Students will explore the concepts of texture and pattern in art through engaging discussions, interactive activities, and hands-on projects. They will learn how different textures and patterns can enhance their artwork and express emotions.


​10min break 

Activity 1: 

Texture Exploration Station:

First station is an introduction to texture and why it is important in art. Examples of textured art will be provided for the students to get ideas and inspiration. The students will be encouraged to explore different methods of adding texture and colors into their art work . 


​10 min break

Pattern Exploration Station:

Second station will introduce students to the concept of patterns in art, emphasizing how patterns can create rhythm and movement in visual compositions. Students will learn to identify and create different types of patterns using shapes, colors, and repetition. They will explore how patterns can enhance the aesthetic quality of their artwork and convey emotions or themes.


30 min break - eat lunch/snacks 

Combining Texture and Pattern Station (mixed media):

Third Station encourages students to synthesize their understanding of texture and pattern by creating a mixed media artwork. They will learn how to layer different materials and apply both visual and tactile elements to create depth, interest, and emotional expression in their art.​ 


Wrap Up - Artwork share - we will encourage the students to share their creations and discuss what they liked about each method and which was their favorite. 




We are offering two different days per week because of a high interest in the classes - we want to keep the classes smaller so that the students recieve full attention and has a quality experience. 

The classes will be exactly the same for both days -
Please select a day that works best for you!


Sunflower Village Membership

Registration is open to all, but in order to secure your seat in the class,

you must join our Sunflower Village Membership.  


This membership is an annual non-refundable $75 fee for the entire year and it is per family.

(If you have multiple children, we only require a one time payment of $75 per family for the year.)  


This membership includes discounts for other related homeschool class enrollment

and families that have multiple children enrollment and the cost of materials.  


The application includes a mandatory registration, waiver of liability and

hold harmless agreement and an optional media release. Once you enroll in class,

we will send you an invoice and the membership registration forms within 24 hours.




Duration: 4 weeks (Monday)


Start Date: October 7th, 2024

End Date: October 28th, 2024

Time: 10:30am - 2:30pm (4-hours)

For Ages: 7-14

Duration: 4 weeks (Tuesday)


Start Date: October 1st, 2024

End Date: October 22nd, 2024

Time: 10:30am - 2:30pm (4-hours)

For Ages: 7-14

Day of the week: Tuesday

(meeting every Tuesday for 4 weeks)


Class subjects will alternative weekly: 

Week 1 -Math

Week 2 - Language Arts

Week 3 - Science

Week 4 - Art

Day of the week: Monday

(meeting every Monday for 4 weeks)


Class subjects will alternative weekly: 

Week 1 -Math

Week 2 - Language Arts

Week 3 - Science

Week 4 - Art

Price of Class: $60 per class (this breaks down to $15 per hour x 4 hours) 


Payment Options available: Payments Accepted: Cash, Venmo, Zelle, Check


Sunflower Village Membership is due the first day of class ($75)

Sibling discount of 10% from full total amount ( membership not included in total amount)


Enrollment ( x1 class)

Pay in full: $60 ($60 x 1 day = $60 per week x 4 weeks = $240) 

Pay in split payments: (week 1) $120  (week 2) $120

Pay by class: $60 per class x 1 day = $60 per week x 4 weeks $240


Annual Sunflower village membership $75

**If you are already a Sunflower Village Member - you will receive a ($10) discount when paid in the full amount.**


Sunflower Village Studio is accepted by the Step-Up Scholarship - we are under the category "Enrichment classes/programs/co-op".


We accept students with the student scholarships and will provide you with the proper paperwork you need to receive reimbursement  

(proper invoice and resume from Sunflower Village Studio)


We encourage students to bring a lunch/snacks and drink - we will be taking several breaks throughout the class, providing the perfect time to fuel up. 


Extended Enrichment Co-op

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